What is Personal Branding?

Well, pretty much the easiest way for me to explain this is: YOU marketing yourself, your lifestyle, your career, your passion, etc… So, why is this so important? You have to consider that once you start a business, whether you are just getting out of school and you are starting your new career… Guess what’s next? It is YOU marketing yourself for your own business.

Yep, think about Chalene Johnson when she started doing her infomercials. She was actually selling herself to all these people staying up at night watching TV at like 1-2 am in the morning and what do you think happened once they saw it…

In case, you didn’t know, at night before you go to bed you are most likely to keep in your mind the last thing you saw before you fall asleep. If you went to bed upset, you are most likely to remember that in the morning, if you went to bed reading an inspirational book, then you are most likely to wake up in a really good mood. That is just how it works. It has been proven, as a matter of fact listen to Wayne Dyer talks about it.

Most people are watching other people’s lives being transformed right there in front of their eyes and they want the same type of results. I must say if you don’t have a testimony from someone else and you are only promoting your business; your Branding style is out of the flow.

You cannot promote a business because people then see that you just want to sell them something.. And everyone hates to be sold. I know I do. It gets old.

I was listening to a podcast and it happens to be about selling and made me realize that about 4 years ago, I had joined a networking marketing company and it happened to do with travel.

The biggest mistake out of that was the fact I was selling the product, not Myself. I got rejected so many times, I failed over and over, never made a dime, and spent thousands of dollars promoting that business, not myself.

All I can say is pay attention to what people give you recognition for. Maybe you gave them great service or maybe you made them feel so joyful or empowered. Whatever the case may be, one tip I can give you is the more you do of that, START by gathering their testimonials and watch what happens…

People will relate and in fact, be willing to try out your product or service. It’s all about positioning yourself in the right place and of course, the right timing will show up right there and then.

I know this will be useful to you because this is by far the most amazing tip I have gathered and I finally figured it out. I guess everything comes in due time -more like divine time for me. Anyway, I believe this will impact your life in such a big way. I wish you the best and keep moving forward. I would totally appreciate your kindness by dropping a comment below.


